My apologies for running off with barely a passing word the other night, I was feeling far too negative to frame a decent post and it’s taken me this long to really get motivated to try and do a proper write up.
It’s been a good week of knitting for me – despite the challenge of juggling a six year old and knitting. For some reason things have been flying off the needles – and I’m enjoying that feeling of accomplishment that comes with that. In the space of five days I have completed THREE Guant’s and am just about done a Woven Headband. It feels good to have so much going on.
While reading Yarn Harlot’s, “Knitting Rules”, I laughed out loud in many parts but I felt the urge to share the guidelines and suggestions for finding more knitting time – particularly the discussion about knitting in public. After reading her suggestions I felt prepared to brave a few KIP moments. It started on my train ride into the city last week – I knit the entire time, nearly two hours of uninterrupted knitting time. It was blissful and I didn’t notice any strange looks or hear any whispered comments, so that was encouraging.
My second foray into KIP was the most daring to date. While we had the nephew we decided we’d take him to the movies as a treat (for future reference check with the child what they’ve already seen so you can plan accordingly BEFORE getting to the cinema). Because we hadn’t yet learned that important skill we got the cinemas only to find out he’d seen the movie we’d planned on taking him to – OH NO! So, quickly enacting Plan B (which was made up on the spot) we took him to see a film we’d already seen but he hadn’t – The Golden Compass. It’s a good film and I didn’t mind the idea of watching it again, but I wanted to keep knitting, so as the lights went down I pulled out my project (another Quant) and started to work away. Hearing a snicker I turned to look at hubby and saw that he was trying desparately not to:
a) Laugh out loud when the movie was just starting, and
b) Move away from me in embarrassment, afterall I was knitting – IN PUBLIC!
I continued on knitting right through the movie, in spite of his embarrassment, and I was proud of that.
So, overall my KIP has been a success and I’m sure to do more of it in the future.
The other thing I’ve been doing a lot of lately is hanging out on Ravelry wow! There is just so much stuff going on over there I really could lose an entire day! I’ve joined a HEAP of groups and even put my hand up for a couple of swaps. I’d love to join a KAL but I’m just not brave enough for that. I’m off to set up flickr tonight so I can start getting pictures happening here again. I’ve got some waiting to upload, but I don’t want to chew the bandwidth while hubby is playing WoW. So hopefully I’ll have some pics up tomorrow at the latest!
Until then – knit what you love!