Sunday, January 13, 2008

Busy little bees

We've been babysitting our nephew. He's six and has been running us ragged. It's been a fun filled five days but to be honest I'm looking forward to dropping him off at his parents place on Tuesday. Afterall, he's affecting my knitting time!

I have managed to get a little bit of knitting in whilst he's been here. In the car I've done a few more squares for Dad's blanket - about a gazzilion to go! But at home I've been working on the Quant headbands for I promised my mates as late Christmas presents.

I'm using wool from my stash, I remember buying this yarn. I coveted it for weeks before I gavein and bought it. I have long ago lost the details of the company, but I remember it's from a NZ company and is 100% wool. The colourway it gorgeous - blues, purples and a pink that somehow ties it all together by being the odd one out. I've tried to use this wool for a number of things over the years but it's just never worked out, I've not liked the way the colours have fallen together, or just felt that the pattern didn't do the yarn justice. This is no longer the case. This pattern, with this wool - to die for! I love it. I'm so in love with it I will actually have to knit one up for myself! (I rarely get this urge to keep something I've made).

The pattern is great too - it's easy and despite my limited knitting time I've managed to get two of these off the needles in two and a half days (less if you take away all the hours not spent knitting)! Even teh icord I was nervous about is addictive.

I've spent my downtime tonight surfing Ravelry, trying to get my bearings. I've not yet got flickr sorted out, so no pics at this stage, but I've poked my nose into a few groups and joined a couple of KALs. If anyone's interested my username over there is Kiansha - can't wait to get to know a few of you all!

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